Friday, March 9, 2012

I have been using Google+ and there is a tool that allows your G+ posts to be ordered and retrieved.

They can be sorted by the most popular, oldest, and newest

Anyway it is kind of like a Table of Contents

And I figured I could store pointers in blogger


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trying to say howdy to Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus

So Billy Ray Cyrus is my Second cousin. And Miley Cyrus is my second cousin once removed. Adeline Cyrus was my Grandfather's sister. Martin Allen Hay is my grandfather. My father (also Martin Allen Hay) was first cousin to Ron Cyrus (Billy Ray's father) who passed away in 2006.

When Billy Ray was 19 and looking to break into show business in Los Angeles, my grandmother, Dorothy and grandfather gave him a car. I always wanted to hear that story in its entirety (for instance I heard they gave him a car but I have no idea what kind of car, what happened to the car, how old he was exactly, and other tales of his early career)

My twin daughters just turned 5 years old so they are not teens who grew up with Hanna Montana or understand how amazing it is to watch Miley present at the Academy Awards or be a top 10 web trend on Google for an entire year.

I work for Google on the Platforms team. So we build, design, and deploy data center infrastructure that delivers the functionality to provide answers to the millions of queries that are posed everyday in many languages around the world. We live in San Jose and i work at the Googleplex in Mountain View California.

I just want to say howdy to my cousin and his uber famous daughter and express how proud we are of their success. And offer up a dime tour of the Googleplex whenever he happens to be in town (or Miley). For instance she did a concert in San Jose at the HP Pavilion recently but they have 'people' and i can never figure out how to actually talk to my cousins.

Maybe they will read this blog (unlikely) or Google Alerts will tell their PR people that i want to say hi (also unlikely)

In any case I wish them well as the Academy Awards are pending and Miley will be out at the Kodak Theater once more to answer questions like 'Will Avatar win for best picture and director or will Cameron's ex-wife steal the show and hearts of the female demographic'?

On a side note my great Aunt Ruby la Placa lives on Orange street in an apartment overlooking the Chinese Theater and Kodak Theater (her sister Dorothy is the aforementioned grandmother) so if Miley does read this she can be on the red carpet think, 'Wow. My great grandmother's brother's wife's sister is in an apartment only a few hundred yards from this red carpet' (yeah right...)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Aggie I would like to Meet...

I want to meet the Aggie who paid cash money for a ticket to see the Texas Tech - Texas A&M game played on Saturday, October 24, 2009.

Someone who is from Houston or out of state or somewhere amazingly far away. Someone who drove over 10 hours to get to Lubbock with no reasonable expectation of victory, but a passionate love of the school, and a desire that the Aggies could at least be competitive if not win the game outright.

If you laid $1000 dollars on A&M to win by 14+ points last week you would have gotten at least 100:1 odds against such an eventuality. The Vegas line had Tech favroed by at least 3 touchdowns. By any measure the expected outcome was a bloodbath. That A&M could not be competitive and would be crushed into oblivion. Surely after Tech scored first and A&M fumbled the first snap, the Tech fans almost certainly taunted A&M fans who came to the game.

The last time A&M beat Tech in Lubbock I was a student at A&M 16 years ago. I would have appreciated it more then if I knew then what I know now.

The game this weekend was nothing short of an unexpected delight for fans of Texas A&M. The crushing defeat by Kansas State was mitigated and, in some ways, the scale of that defeat made this victory that much more dramatic. I have to hand it to Mike Sherman, the entire coaching staff, and the players on the team.

But getting back to the original point, I would like to meet an Aggie who attended from afar, so I could shake their hand (man or woman) and say, "You sir (madame), are a true fan, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Gig 'em."